Hello! This is Md Arman Hossen.
Md Arman Hossen served the Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust (SnT), University of Luxembourg as an Assistant Doctorant from September 2020 to March 2023 and as a R&D Specialist from April 2023 to June 2023. He was being supervised by Dr. Shree Krishna Sharman, Dr. Thang X. Vu and Co-supervised by Prof Symeon Chatzinotas. He finished his BSc in Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering from RUET, Bangladesh. Upon completion of his Bachelor's degree, He worked as an Engineer at one of the largest telecom companies (Fiber@Home) in Bangladesh from 2016-2018. In 2018, He joined Inha University, the Republic of Korea to obtain his Master of Engineering (ME) degree in Information and Communication Engineering. He also worked as a research assistant at the Multimedia Network Lab(MNL), Inha University on several government-funded projects. Mr. Hossen has published a Korean Patent, 1 IEEE access journal, 3 IEEE conferences, and a local conference paper from the research experience of his bachelor's and master's studies. His current research interests include advanced signal processing and machine learning techniques for 5G and beyond wireless communication systems, Tactile internet, 5G URLLC.
In recent times He has been working in Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) based resource allocation and latency minimization in 5G and beyond wireless network. He is also experiencing machine learning algorithms as well as deep neural networks on various aspects of wireless network.
You're always welcome to have Mr. Hossen's details. You can get his updated resume here. To know more details about him, follow the other social networks given below:
Current Mailing Addrees:
Email: armanruet@gmail.com
Differdange, Luxembourg.